WG 8

Relevance of Academic Books in Research Communication

Language: Portuguese. Simultaneous translation not available.



Short introduction
Flávia Goulart Mota Garcia Rosa – Professora Associada IV, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA); Diretora, Editora da Universidade Federal da Bahia (Edufba); Diretora de comunicação, Associação Brasileira de Editoras Universitárias (ABEU)

Reflections on the academic book in the context of scholarly communication Download
Susane Barros – Coordenadora Editorial, Editora da Universidade Federal da Bahia (Edufba)

10:30-11:00 Coffee break


The book on Capes’ evaluation system Download
Kátia Rodrigues – Professora Adjunta II, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA); Coordenadora, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Curso de Biblioteconomia na Modalidade a Distância

The narrow ways of the academic book
Jézio Hernani Bomfim Gutierre – Professor Assistente Doutor, Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (Unesp); Diretor-presidente, Fundação Editora Unesp

12:30-14:00 Lunch break


Using Metrics Beyond Citations to Demonstrate the Impact of SciELO Books Download
Stephanie Faulkner – Product Manager, Elsevier, Research Metrics group

15:30-16:00 Coffee break


Books and publishers: evolution of impact on the diverse areas of the SciELO Network Download
Rogério Mugnaini – Docente, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Departamento de Informação e Cultura & Coordenador, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Escola de Comunicações e Artes (ECA), Núcleo de Pesquisa e Tecnologia em Produção Científica

Final conclusions


The academic book is one of the classic types of scientific literature. Although present in all areas of knowledge, its relevance in research communication is highlighted with more emphasis in the areas of social sciences, literature, and arts. In the other fields, communication is almost exclusively dominated by journal articles or conference and congress proceedings. This fact is evidenced by the thematic composition of the collections of books indexed and published by the SciELO Books program, by international bibliographic indexes and by the distribution of citations from SciELO journal articles.

Besides commercial publishing houses, the vast majority of universities and research and development institutes and a minority of scientific societies and professional associations in the SciELO Network countries operate publishers that, in addition to textbooks and popular science books, publish works that communicate research results. At the same time, the national systems of scientific output evaluation rely on books assessment systems or methodologies complementing those of journals. On a smaller scale than journals’, the publication of scholarly books is also an integral part of research infrastructures.

The online publication of academic books and their indexing radically increase their visibility in relation to the paper version, which contributes to increase their use and impact by citations. One of the positive consequences of online publishing and indexing is to enable the insertion and interoperability of academic books into the flow of scientific communication. Particularly, the SciELO Program has as one of its functions to maximize the interoperability between researches, which requires, besides the journals, the online availability of books meeting international standards.

The scope of this working group is to analyze the relevance of the academic book in research communication, the current state and trends of online publication and indexing of academic books in the SciELO Network countries and the challenges for adopting standards that maximize their visibility, use and impact.

How to contribute

You are invited to participate and cooperate with the SciELO 20 Years celebration with comments, testimonies, blog posts, articles, etc, related to the topic of this or other working groups.


ALBAGLI, S. E-Science, ciência aberta e o regime de informação em ciência e tecnologia. Tendências da Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação, Belo Horizonte, v. 7, n. 1, jan./jun. 2014.

ALBAGLI, S.; MACIEL, M. L.; ABDO, A. H. Ciência aberta, questões abertas. Brasília: IBICT; Rio de Janeiro: Unirio, 2015. p. 201-227.

DARNTON, R. A questão dos livros: passado, presente e futuro. Tradução Daniel Pellizzari. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2010.

FURTADO, J. A. Uma cultura da informação para o universo digital. Lisboa: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 2012.

JENKINS, H. Cultura da convergência. Tradução Susana Alexandria. 2. Ed. São Paulo: Aleph, 2009.

MUELLER, S. P. M. A publicação da ciência: áreas científicas e seus canais preferenciais. DataGramaZero: Revista de Ciência da Informação, Rio de Janeiro, v. 6, n. 1, fev. 2005[viewed 07 August 2018]. Available from:  <http://repositorio.unb.br/handle/10482/980>.

LÉVY, P. Cibercultura. Tradução de Carlos Irineu da Costa. São Paulo: Ed. 34, 1999. (Coleção Trans)

PINHEIRO, L. V. R. Do acesso livre à ciência aberta: conceitos e implicações na comunicação científica. RECIIS. Revista Eletrônica de Comunicação, Informação & Inovação em Saúde (Edição em Português. Online), v. 8, p. 153-165, 2014.

PROCÓPIO, E. O livro na era digital: o mercado editorial e as mídias digitais. São Paulo: Giz Editorial, 2010.

RONCAGLIA, G. La cuarta revolución: seis lecciones sobre el futuro del libro. Traducción de Javier Folco. Bogotá: Ediciones Uniandes; Vila María: Eduvim, 2015.

SANTOS, P. X.; ALMEIDA, B. de A.; HENNING, P. Livro verde – Ciência aberta e dados abertos: mapeamento e análise de políticas, infraestruturas e estratégias em perspectiva nacional e internacional. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz, 2017.

THOMPSON, J. B. Mercadores de cultura. Tradução Alzira Allegro. São Paulo: Ed. Unesp, 2013.

VELHO, L. A ciência e seu público. Transinformação, v. 9, n. 3, set./dez. 1997 [viewed 07 August 2018]. Available from: <http://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/seer/index.php/transinfo/article/view/1575/1547>.


ARGOLLO, R. Workgroup 8—The relevance of academic books to research communication. SciELO 20 Years Repository [online]. [viewed 1 October 2018]. Available from: http://repository.scielo20.org/documents/article/view/135

BLATTMANN, U., FACHIN, J. and WERLANG, E. Acesso Aberto ao e-book acadêmico. SciELO 20 Years Repository [online]. [viewed 1 October 2018]. Available from: http://repository.scielo20.org/documents/article/view/127

GUTIERRE, J. Os estreitos caminhos do livro acadêmico. SciELO 20 Years Repository [online]. [viewed 1 October 2018]. Available from: http://repository.scielo20.org/documents/article/view/131

OLIVEIRA, A.B. Pesquisa internacional analisa a importância do livro acadêmico nas áreas de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (CSH) no Brasil. SciELO 20 Years Repository [online]. [viewed 15 October 2018]. Available from: http://repository.scielo20.org/documents/article/view/139

RODRIGUES, K.O., et al. O livro . no sistema de avaliação da CAPES. SciELO 20 Years Repository [online]. [viewed 25 September 2018]. Available from: http://repository.scielo20.org/documents/article/view/129

ROSA, F. G. M. G. and BARROS, S. Scientific communication: preliminary reflections for the WG “Relevance of Academic Books in Research Communication”. SciELO 20 Years Repository [online]. [viewed 29 August 2018]. Available from: http://repository.scielo20.org/documents/article/view/93


SPINAK, E. Books’ relevance in scholarly communication – The case of SciELO Books [online]. SciELO in Perspective, 2018 [viewed 07 August 2018]. Available from: https://blog.scielo.org/en/2018/08/07/books-relevance-in-scholarly-communication-the-case-of-scielo-books


In development.


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In development.

Group coordinator

Flávia Goulart Mota Garcia Rosa


Rita Argollo

Executive Secretary

Amanda Ramalho